Episode 06: Finding Strength in the Struggle: A Military Veteran and Current Police Officer's Journey Through PTSD with Andy Cook

In a world where the line between heroism and hardship often blurs, the journey of Sergeant Andy Cook stands as a testament to resilience, generational ties, and the transformative power of healing. As a military veteran and current police officer, Andy's story is not just one of service but also of struggle and triumph. 

From a young age, Andy was immersed in the world of the military, inspired by his father's service and deeply rooted admiration for the profession. However, beneath the surface of honor and duty lay the harsh reality of trauma and PTSD, witnessed firsthand through his father's struggles. Despite this, Andy followed in his father's footsteps, joining the reserve during high school, carrying forward a legacy intertwined with both pride and pain. 


Reflecting on his experiences, Andy candidly shares the challenges faced by many military soldiers, often resorting to alcohol as a coping mechanism—a stark reminder of the toll that service can take on mental health. Yet, amidst the darkness, Andy highlights the importance of internal support systems, recognizing the void that many veterans encounter upon leaving the military. 


Andy's own journey with PTSD led him down a path of self-discovery and healing, as he courageously sought help from specialized doctors and prioritized his mental and physical well-being. Breaking free from the stoic facade expected of him, Andy embraced vulnerability, understanding that true healing requires setting aside ego and embracing authenticity. 


As a first responder, Andy intimately understands the barriers to seeking help within his community, acknowledging the stigma and fear that often accompany reaching out for support. Yet, he remains steadfast in his belief that every challenge serves a purpose, and every person crosses our path for a reason. 


Grateful for the support and guidance he has received along his journey, Andy emphasizes the need for greater mental health resources and education within the first responder community. Despite the encouragement to further education, he recognizes the glaring absence of programs tailored to address the unique mental health needs of those in service—a critical component in ensuring the well-being of individuals dedicated to protecting others. 


In sharing his story, Sergeant Andy Cook not only sheds light on the complexities of service and sacrifice but also serves as a beacon of hope for those navigating their own battles. Through courage, vulnerability, and unwavering determination, Andy exemplifies the resilience of the human spirit, inspiring others to prioritize their well-being and seek support on their path to healing. 


Episode 07: Mental Health Support for Families of First Responders With Dr. Kelly Schwartz 


Episode 05: Mental Health Leadership: Supporting Mental Health Among First Responders' Leaders with Heather Edward