Episode 02: Embrace Your Emotional Awareness, Vulnerability, and Authenticity as First Responders with Fire Captain, Gregg “Scullly” Schaalje

Welcome to our 2nd episode here at the Mental Health Mixtape 🎙

Today, we're honored to introduce Gregg Schaalje, a Fire Captain at Rocky View County, a champion for mental health, and a lifelong learner. He proudly serves on the boards of the Cederstrand Foundation, International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF) - Canada, and acts as a BOS Ambassador (Before Operational Stress).

Gregg embodies the values of family, authenticity, and passionate advocacy for mental health. He's a relationship specialist with a business-minded approach, driven by a fervor for leadership, continuous learning, and an insatiable curiosity. Gregg's career is marked by visionary leadership and a servant's heart, coupled with an ability to think outside the box and navigate emergency situations through coaching, mentoring, critical thinking, and strong command skills.

During our conversation, Gregg courageously shares an early career setback that nearly derailed his path but was fortunate to receive vital mental health support of psychologists at the time that allowed him to navigate the occupational stress injury and prioritize self-care.

In this conversation, Gregg reflects on his journey and shares the importance of fostering emotional intelligence, vulnerability, and authenticity, particularly for first responders. His experiences have profoundly shaped his leadership style today, emphasizing the crucial role of support and empathy for his team, irrespective of their uniforms.

We are deeply inspired by Gregg's compassionate spirit and empathetic nature which shine through in his role as a Fire Captain, where he serves the community with dedication. Joined by Dr. Megan McElheran and Ryan Collyer, our conversation delves into the significance of empathy, exploring its role as both a boon and a challenge in self-care and service to others. If you have ever struggled with the balance of empathy for others and self. This conversation may be exactly what you need to hear!

Join us for a heartfelt conversation with Gregg “Scully” Schaalje now!

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Episode 03: Healing Generational Trauma as a First Responder with Sheridan Taylor


Episode 01: The Mental Health Mixtape