Episode 03: Healing Generational Trauma as a First Responder with Sheridan Taylor

From Battlefields to Mental Health Well-being: Sheridan Taylor's Journey of Resilience and Advocacy

In a world often marred by the silent struggles of mental health, Metis, combat veteran, former corrections officer, and suicide survivor, Sheridan Taylor, emerges as a beacon of strength, resilience, and hope. Through his podcast today at the Mental Health Mixtape, Sheridan fearlessly shares his personal battles, from the horrors of suicidal thoughts he had in the past to the depths of personal struggles, offering a roadmap to recovery for first responders.

Sheridan's narrative begins in the small towns of 1970s Alberta, where he learned to navigate life's challenges early on. He revisited memories that as a young boy, he wasn’t allowed to have emotions,

“Little boys weren’t allowed to feel… If I experience sadness, I am weak”.

His journey took a poignant turn when he joined the army, where he imbibed the values of chasing dreams, hard work, discipline, and teamwork. Through military and corrections service, he witnessed the extremes of humanity – from grand-scale injustice to the buried humanity within heroes and monsters alike. However, the most enduring lesson from his service was perseverance.

Though no longer a soldier in uniform, Sheridan remains a fighter on a different battleground. Daily, he combats alcoholism, PTSD, depression, and anxiety, emerging victorious against the relentless onslaught of these invisible foes. His resilience became even more pronounced as he faced the slow death of his first wife, grappling with grief and suicidal ideation. Yet, through it all, he refuses to succumb to the apathy and casual brutality prevalent in today's world.

“Nothing is my fault, everything is my responsibility”

Sheridan's podcast episode on the Mental Health Mixtape, serves as both a confessional and a platform for advocacy. In the raw and unfiltered episodes, he bares his soul, sharing intimate details of his mental health journey, including the darkest corners of his suicidal thoughts. Through this vulnerability, he dismantles the stigma surrounding mental illness, creating a space for authentic conversations about the struggles many endure in silence.

Dr. Megan McElheran comments on Sheridan’s journey, “you re-routed the transmission, instead of generational trauma, it’s healing”.

As an advocate and leader in the mental health space, Sheridan Taylor has become a guiding light for first responders. His experiences have transformed into a source of inspiration, showing that even in the face of relentless battles, victory is possible. Through his podcast, he extends a lifeline to those navigating the labyrinth of mental health challenges, offering empathy, knowledge, and pathways to fulfillment and contentment.

“I can be grateful for my trauma”

Sheridan's story is a testament to the strength that arises from the hardest lessons. Like diamonds formed under pressure, his resilience shines brightly, reminding us all that the monsters within and outside our heads can only prevail when we stop fighting. In sharing his journey, Sheridan Taylor encourages us to embrace our struggles, dismantle the stigma, and strive for the life we truly deserve – a life free from nightmares and loneliness.


Episode 04: From Spartans to American Minutemen: The Stoic Military Tradition with Dr. Franklin Annis


Episode 02: Embrace Your Emotional Awareness, Vulnerability, and Authenticity as First Responders with Fire Captain, Gregg “Scullly” Schaalje